NPR's story, The Family Peach Farm That Became A Symbol Of The Food Revolution is truly powerfully illuminating.
NPR The Peach And The Food Revolution
So what's the diff between a farm and a factory? A farm has a soul that can be saved or lost. It's a living system that breathes and drinks water and from life produces life that sustains us all.
This is the story about a family with a lot of soul and the farm they created. It's about a Japanese-American family that was interned but bought a farm and kept it in a country that wasn't sure whether it wanted them or not.
These were tough folks indeed. And they had a lot of soul. So, it bears repeating, The difference between a farm and a factory is that a farm has a soul that can lost or saved, and things with souls mean something, and the fact they have souls means something.
Factories make a lot of things, but they don't make much meaning because meaning requires soul and few factories have souls. And that's the difference that makes all the difference. In fact, I bet you can taste it in the peaches.